

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Week 8 - Lockup

This week all the brick work was completed and received formal notification from PD confirming the house is now in lockup stage. Plaster work was started at the beginning of the week and plaster in the internal walls were completed.

Previous week they completed the Frame we did an inspection using an independent company on Monday before they started the plaster. There were few issues identified and it was communicated back to PD. Our SS gave us a call and went through the list of defects while he confirmed all of them will be fixed. They have been quite helpful and supportive in getting the defects fixed.

Following picture shows the main entrance that has the Corinthian INF 6G entry door with translucent glass for the main door and the sidelight. The front brick pier was timber post which we changed for a better look.

Following picture shows the side view from the front of garage side. First window is the lounge while the next two windows are in the living area.

Following picture shows the view from the lounge area towards the main door. There is an additional door to the garage. We decided to have 3 lights to each part of the hallway with two separate switches.

Following picture shows the view from the front door towards the back of the house which has the living and dining. 

Overhead cupboards and some of the cabinets are already fixed as shown in the following picture. Rangehood is not fixed yet. That will be fixed with a ducted vent towards the roof. At the moment insulation on the roof is not done as they are waiting to complete the electrical wiring to commence the installation of insulation on the roof. In order to meet the energy rating requirements the type of insulation recommended is R3.0.

Following picture shows the side view of the house. It shows the window of bedrooms and the sliding door of the laundry.

In the following picture you can see the wall of the neighbouring house. They have already fixed the fence and the their garage wall is going to be the boundary of front part of the land.

On the back of the house we can see two big windows and the Alfresco (outdoor living area) shown in the following picture.

This is the main entrance taken few feats away from it with a much bigger view.

Following picture shows the side view of the back of the house which shows the outdoor living area. The brick pier at the corner was originally timber but we changed it to brick later.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Week 6 - Internal wall insulation, Heating, Solar panel & Wiring

Last week there was lot of rain so the bricklayer was not fixed. There was duct line for heating fixed and we also saw hot water lines and some electrical wiring. Some of the internal wall insulation batts were fixed but still there is more to go. 

As shown in the following photo the ducts are connecting to the central heating system installed just above one of the bedrooms. The mettle pipe goes all the way out through the roof tile.

Below is a closer look of the gas heater which shows it has 4 star rating.

Ducts are attached to the roof using a polythene sort of material. Not sure how long would it last but seems to be the normal practice.

We also noticed the TV antenna and Solar panel is been fixed and the roof tilling has been completed. 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Week 5 - Roof Tiles

Roof tiles were almost done and the house is slowly getting its shape. There is still a little bit more to complete which will be fixed only after the solar panel is fixed. They will check all the tiles after the solar panel installation to ensure tiles are not broken.

Next week the brick layer is planned to be fixed and it would provide a better look to the house. We are still thinking about the landscaping of front garden and because of the slope towards the house it would be bit challenging. One side of the house has about a half a meter cut.

Recently Porter Davis decided retaining walls are not required though it is in the engineering plan. This is going to affect both the fencing and landscaping and we would like to see how all this would turn up at the end.  Interestingly landscaping plan is part of the construction contract hence the cut of the front garden is something Porter Davis should take into consideration.

We were told by site supervisor the landscaping will be done only after handover. This is another matter we need to discuss with our building coordinator as we want everything to be completed at the handover date.